Electricity Factory - Buenos Aires
Festival Nemo - Montreal
FIAF Gallery - New York
MAC - Créteil
Electricity Factory - BuenosAires
Festival Nemo - Montreal
FIAF Gallery - New York
MAC - Créteil
Light and sound installation. Music by le Tone. First artwork signed with Visual System. Creating a PCB design this sculpture react with the music to offer a poetic interpretation of sound's visualisation. We used video data instead of classical basic electric signal to lit up a giant sculpture made with acrylic boxes. It was kind of revolutionary. The results is a marvellous construction, which mix organic and technology and will open a new domain in the digital creation. Big Thanks to Fondation Jean-Luc Lagardère, Renaud Leblond, Quiterie Camus, Thierry Pillet, Zelda Bensoussan, Bastien Ribeiro, Sabrina Mellah, Tristan de Terves, Anthony Gouvrillon.